Town Hall

ACG Topsites

These are the items you'll be given by Professor Oak on your journey.

The Zero-One

Your beautiful ship, given to you by the oh-so-kind Professor Oak. It can fly and float, as well as drive, making it extraordinarily useful. After you find the alternate exit to the Valley, he'll reward you with the Dash engine. This is used by holding the R button, and is great for catching up with distant Pokémon.

Pokémon Food

This very healthy food has quite a few uses - it can be used to lure Pokémon, feed Pokémon, and whack Pokémon on the head. Aim it with the control stick and throw it with the A button. You'll get it after you accumulate 14,000 points.

Pester Balls
Looks reminiscent of a Pokéball, but contains insecticide (or something of the sort.) Doesn't kill Pokémon, but annoys them, sometimes inciting them into performing odd stunts. Knocks some Pokémon out.

Poké Flute

Another gift from Professor Oak. Makes Pokémon dance, thundershock, hatch and the like. It's played with the C-Down button, and you receive it after you accumulate 130,000 points and take at least one photograph of a Pokémon sign.

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